Target x Rizzoli

To celebrate 20 years of creating democratic design, Target commissioned Target: 20 Years of Design for All, a retrospective book. My contribution? Interviewing Queer Eye designer Bobby Berk about his favorite muse, legendary industrial designer and architect Michael Graves, then writing and editing the piece for a full-spread design feature.

Tokyo-a-Go-Go for Chandelier Creative

When ad agency Chandelier Creative took its entire team of 40 employees on an all-hands-on-deck, 5-day inspiration trip to Tokyo, I was invited along to document every dinner with geisha, every karaoke playlist, every robot battle, and every bowl of ramen, conceptualizing and writing every story and page of this 258-page limited-edition book commemorating their whirlwind journey.

Travel journalism
Book concepting & creative development
Storytelling, content creation & copywriting
A slew of haikus

10 Madison
Square West

When No. 10 Madison Square West was commissioning sales brochures for prospective families touring its new property in NYC, it realized it had a challenge. Parents who brought their kids along to open houses needed something to occupy them. I concepted and wrote both adult-facing real-estate brochures showcasing the high-end finishes and an original coloring book for kids teaching them (and their parents) about the many benefits of the neighborhood without the traditional hard sell.

Fridays from the Garden Cookbook Editing

Before it went to press, Flamingo Estate’s first cookbook — a heady mix of storytelling, recipes, and gorgeous photography — needed a copyeditor’s eye. With recipes from multiple chefs with multiple systems of notation (Tbs or T or Tbsp.) it needed a good scrub to ensure grammatical correctness and consistency from recipe to recipe. With a forward by Martha Stewart, there could be no room for error. (Not gonna lie: this one made me hungry.)




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